Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Kids and Big Words

The other day at school, my sister had one of the girls in our school, Vivian, practice neat writing. As Vivian's practice, she had to ask everyone what the word benefactor meant and write it down, as a reporter would do. I was last in line, so I took the liberty of looking at the other kids' answers. Let me tell you, some interesting definitions will result when a kid has no clue what the correct meaning of a word is. One made-up definitions was, factories.
So, being my creative self, I decided that I would give Vivian even more practice, and get the definitions of a few more words and post them on my blog. So, here ya go.
Fallible: liable to err; not accurate. Here are some of the answers Viv got.
like another word I don't want to discuss
not valuable
able to fall
another thing like a small story
someone who falls all the time (my smart aleck best friend came up with that one. She was being a brat about these definitions...I think she had too much caffeine that day)
Inconsolable: not able to be comforted
can be seen
not reliable
someone you have a lot in common with
flips (best friend)
Pickerel: a small fish like a pike
can be accomplished
pick something up
jar of pickles
pick girl
some kind of machine
when every body picks something up
to pick up a roll (best friend)

I had some more words for the kids to define, but we never got around to getting their definitions. I was pretty desperate for a blog post, so I decided to go with one that wasn't quite completed lol

1 comment:

Faye said...

Those definitions were cute!!!