Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Babblings About My Day Thus Far

Well, here I am, sitting at home at 9:36 am on a school day. Reason: A gas leak at the school. Who'da thunk that we'd get to school and begin our day, then get sent home?

It started as we were going through our morning routine at school. We all line up, go out to the restrooms, then do what we call "morning exercises." They're not actually exercises. We say our pledges, read our monthly Scripture, then we pray. We didn't get to the prayer part because of the fumes coming from the furnace in the church.

So, we were evacuated into the parking lot where we stood around waiting for our parents to come and get us. Poor Sister Melinda. She's stuck there until the Schmidt guy leaves :)

1 comment:

Faye said...

Thank God it was a minor problem that was easily fixed!!