Sunday, March 14, 2010

How much salt did ya say?

First of all, let me apologize to all my faithful readers. They've faithfully been reading the same blog post for about a month now :D I'm a procrastinator, and I know it, but I just...procrastinate doing anything about it. : )

Here's a story about me. You should know, I love to cook and bake. I like making anything from cookies to bread to boxed brownies. About four years ago, my dad had a hankering for some peanut butter no-bakes. Dad called Damian, a guy he worked with, and got Damian's girlfriend's recipe for them. Because I love my daddy so much, and because I'm a daddy's girl, I told him I would make the no-bakes. So, I made them and put them on the counter to set. A little while later, Mom came out into the kitchen, and I asked her to taste them for me. As soon as the little smidgen of no-bake touched Mom's tongue, a look of horror crossed her face. "Um, how much salt did you put in these?"

Because I was about 11, common sense hadn't really set in. You would think that I would have not made this mistake and checked a little closer than what I did, but me in all my wonderful chef-ness replied, "Eight teaspoons"

I was sure that's what the recipe said, so we check a little closer and realized that it said 1/8 of a teaspoon. When I was mixing the no-bakes, I must have only seen the eight or something. So, needless to say, we did NOT have peanut butter no-bakes as we had wanted! I've been teased for years over that, but it doesn't bother me anymore.

I've had many misfortunes while cooking. There are so many of them that it would take up a whole page to tell them all. Like the bread that turned out 6-7 inches tall because I forgot to let it rise the second time. Or the two tablespoons of salt in my white chocolate chip cookies (those were edible.) Or the Velveeta shells that I forgot to drain before I put cheese in them...that was the other day :-/ Or maybe the time when I made nine scrambled this day, I HATE scrambled eggs! Blech! : ) I think you get the picture :P Not all of my food has turned out bad. If you ask my mom, I'm actually not a bad cook. I just forget to put some of the ingredients in, or I over-remember to put some in. lol Well, there ya go Sister Brenda : )

I'll try to be more faithful in my posting. A lot of the reason that I don't post, is because I don't really have any ideas. I have some, but they require research, and like I said, I'm a procrasinator : )

Love you guys!


Brenda said...

Thank you, Amber! I check your blog every day, so I love it when you post something new. Love ya'

Faye said...

I, too, check the blogs and love to see new postings! By the way, I had a cousin who needed glasses, and got them, AFTER she put 18 teaspoons of salt in a batch of fudge!