Saturday, June 26, 2010

Relaxing a.k.a. Being Lazy

Well, as ya'll know it's summer vacation. And since it's summer vacation, I've been living the dream life! Staying up til one, or two, or three, sleeping in until 12, not having to be any where at any specific time! Whew! I'm loving it! Today was the earliest I got up so far this summer. I woke up the first time at 7:40, pushed snooze, then got up eight minutes later. I didn't even change out of my pajamas til around 8-8:30ish PM!! lol Jesten came over with Megan, Brittany, and Brianna, so I had to get dressed to entertain company. If I lived like this every day I would be SO spoiled! But, whenever school starts it will be no longer. Well, I just had to let every working person know what they're missing ;-P Love ya'll!!

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