Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Blonde Streak on a Dark-Haired Brunette?

Ok, I guess the first thing you should know about me is that I'm extremely dramatic! So the other day while I was straightening my Einstein-look-alike hair, I spotted what every person dreads-a gray hair. Oh wait! There's one, TWO gray hairs! "DAD!!!" I yelled, "I'm going gray!" I ran into the living room so he could examine the little fiends. "That's not gray hair, that's a blonde streak," Declared my ever-helpful father. "Dad!" I said with my usual drama,"Brunettes do NOT have blonde streaks!" Dad, still trying to console his traumatized daughter, said, "Then why have I seen so many of them?"
For any one who is wondering, yes, I'm going gray at 15 years old. I discovered many of the little life-ruiners while straightening my hair! : )


Anonymous said...

Hey Girlie! looks like you and me are in the same boat! got a few gray (and blonde) streaks myself! Glad to see that brunettes can be blonde in PA as well as in MS. HA!
ttyl! E.V.

Faye said...

You come by the early gray hair syndrome naturally -- I was the same way. Don't fret -- it takes a long long time to go completely gray -- I'm still not all the way there! lol
My hair still has some dark areas hiding under all the beautiful gray!!