Sunday, September 12, 2010

As of the past 3 months, I've adopted a song that has become my "anthem" so to speak. The chorus goes:

Falling in love with Jesus
Falling in love with Jesus
Falling in love with Jesus, was th best thing I've ever, ever done.

I cannot describe to you how much that song speaks my heart. I'm gonna give a little testimony on here that only two people know about. Probably 6 months ago and going back for I don't know how long, I was not doing so well spiritually. I was constantly struggling with things and constantly struggling with my attitude (my Mama can testify to that one:D) I'm not giving this testimony to draw attention or to have people feel bad for me. I just pray that God can use it and draw someone else, that is possibly struggling in their walk, closer to him.

The devil started working on my mind, and things that I knew were wrong beyond the shadow of a doubt all of the sudden starting seeming not so wrong. The world didn't seem as bad as what everyone made it out to be. I started having thoughts like, "Just a little taste of the world and I can come back and get right with God," or, "It's not as bad as it seems. The world's not gonna work me over like it does every other backslidden saint of God."

I don't remember the exact date, but my pastor preached a message and in that message I found myself. I felt like every wrong attitude, every wrong thought came back and hit me in the face. We didn't have an altar call, just dismissed and went home. When I got home, I laid on my bed as I was going to sleep and poured out my heart to God. I repented for so many, many things that were wrong in me. I prayed like David prayed in Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." I asked Him to purge me and take out everything that was not like Him.

That was the beginning of the work that God started in me. Some specific things I had prayed about that night, I no longer struggled with. Those feelings were gone, and I praise the Lord and thank Him for that. The next step was at Apostolic Youth Conference in Canton, Ohio. Brother Jonathan Alvear preached about Calvary on Friday morning. I have never, ever heard it preached that way. I stood in the presence of Jesus, the One Who suffered the most horrible death, Who took all of our sins upon Himself and suffered and died for us, and I sobbed. How could a God that knew how many times I would fail, that knew all the times I would shame Him and ignore Him, take it upon Himself and say, "I love you in spite of that"? That morning I began falling in love with my Jesus:)

Then came Summer Heritage in Colorado Springs the next week. Even though God had begun a work in me and started changing me, I still had somethings that I struggled with. The main thing I struggled with was modesty. It was in my mind, but it wasn't completely rooted in my heart and my soul. A lot of things happened, and I'm not going to go into details, but Brother Brian Jones preached about "Revival in th Family" and what he preached was straight down my alley. Once again, I was broken before God and asked Him to take the immodest spirit out of me and put a deep love for modesty and a deep love for him in me. Once again, God did that for me. God changed me so much in just a two month period.

I have felt a complete change in me. I stand in awe that such a big God would take time to see me with every thing in me that's wrong, and love me and forgive me. I can honestly say, "I love my Master." My walk with God isn't just there because that's what's expected of me, and that's what my Mama and Daddy expect of me. I LOVE Him with everything that is in me. Tonight's church service was absolutely amazing. When I get in the presence of Jehovah and can't help but stand where I am and just bawl! He's been TOO good to me! I really can't explain what I feel, but I can tell you that falling in love with Him is the best thing that ANYONE could EVER do!

If all God ever did for me was die for my sin and choose to forgive me, that's enough. But He didn't just leave me with that. In Luke chapter 24, after Jesus was resurrected, and before He ascended into Heaven, He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. He sent the Holy Ghost down in Acts chapter 2, and He gave us power that we wouldn't just keep messing up and stay the way we are, but that we'll have the strength to walk right and the strength to live right. He gave us the Holy Ghost to change us so we can be like Him.

So anwyas ya'll, that's my testimony. I'm closer to God now than I've ever been, and the #1 reason is because I've fallen in love with Him. I believe that that's one of the main keys to living a victorious walk with God. When you love Someone, you don't want to keep doing wrong against them. You want to do what pleases them. Well, that's the end ya'll. I just felt like sharing my testimony that maybe it'll encourage somone to really, really fall in love with Him.

1 comment:

Faye said...

Very, very good!!! Thank you for letting us know God answered our prayers!!!!!