Monday, March 14, 2011


Well everyone, my last post marked ONE HUNDRED posts since the birth of "A Day in the Life of a Talkative Teen" on January 8, 2010. I hope that I can have another 100 posts LONG before a year and two months has passed. I want to try to blog a lot more than I did over the past year.

I know that some of the quizzes, and survey thing-a-ma-bobbers are just cheat posts in the eys of some people, but in a way it's just random little things about me that you may have never known otherwise.'s like "Getting to know the Author" type of stuff;-)

On to more important things! ERIN IS HERE!!!! She got here on Saturday. I seriously thought I was going to be sick because I was so anxious waiting for her to get to the baggage claim. Since it was her first time flying, everything was new to her. I was so worried that she was going to get lost trying to find the baggage claim!! I waited for I think about 10-15 minutes, and she arrived shortly after they put the luggage on the conveyor belt. We have been having SO MUCH FUN!

I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have her for a friend:-D I've laughed so much in the past few days! It's just....SO FUN!!!! :-D Tonight Laura is spending the night here at the house so I can't even imagine how fun it's going to be:-D Three crazy girls, up til the wee hours of the morning, and all hyper is a deadly combination;-)

Another AMAZING thing is.....Last night we had THE MOST AMAZING CHURCH SERVICE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! God has been moving in such a mighty way here in Titusville. Last night from the very first song practice, it was AWESOME! My uncle was practicing some songs, and then when it got to prayer time they just kept playing and singing because the Holy Ghost was so strong and was definitely in it! After "prayer" time, the service slowed down and we were just worshipping the Lord and basking in His presence. One of the songs we sang that has such an anointing was "Near the Cross." There's just something about it when that song is sang from the very bottom of one's heart. When someone truly means it there is such an anointing! The service did speed up again, and a WONDERFULLY AWESOME THING HAPPENED!!!! God filled Chip with the Holy Ghost!!! It was an indescribable moment when I looked over at him praying at the altar and you could literally see the Holy Ghost just get all over him! Watching someone be filled with the Spirit of the Lord is the most rewarding part of this life, in my opinion. I am SO happy for him!!! God has been waiting for him to get to this place for a long time:)

Annnnnndddd.....he's getting baptized on Wednesday, which also happens to be his birthday! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord is SO GOOD TO HIS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Faye said...

Excellent post!!

Faye said...

Oh, by the way, we'll be praying for your dad and mom tonight! :)

Amber said...

Thank you! And LOL!! We didn't drive them too Crazy;) we mostly stayed in the family room and had fun til almost 3. :-s We were up very late lol