Friday, March 11, 2011

YAY!!!! and Five Question Friday

*pats self on the back* I did it!!! I posted two days in a row!!! You know what that means?? I'm starting to not procrastinate as much!! Just getting out there and DOING IT!! Well you all, this is a very special Friday indeed, for me. ERIN WILL BE HERE IN LIKE 32 HOURS!!!!! I SO CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is? Well sadly, it's dark dark brown, with streaks of silver here and there. I like the dark brown, but the silver I could have waited another 15 years for.

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants? I don't think we've ever planned our summer out. So I guess we just go with the flow....I think sometimes we know that we're going to certain conferences, like AYC or Heritage, but we don't really "plan" anything.

3. What is your favorite meal to cook? Oooh well since you asked, I LOVE making homemade mashed potatoes!!! So I guess my favorite meal would be mashed potatoes, deer steak (learned howto cook them from my daddy) and some sort of vegetable. I haven't done it in a while, but I used to make homemade bread Saturday morning and then we'd have that for dinner with the rest of the meal. I love feeling like I accomplished something;-)

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous? It depends on how much out of my way I went for someone. If it's something small like reaching over and handing them something, then no I don't care if they say "thank you" or not. But if I really go out of my way, it's nice to hear that they appreciated. Chances are that if they don't say "thank you" after that, I probably won't do many things for them because I know they won't appreciate it.

5. How did you meet your best friend? Well, I have a couple of best friends. It's kinda weird but like they're all my best friends at different levels. The first would be Laura, and I met her when I was born I guess. Just grew up with her being older than me but always around. And then Moniuqe, I grew up with her. Her mom babysat me a lot when I was little. It's funny how I still seem to be around a lot, Mama K;) Then I met Erin I think almost 5 years ago at Camp Niangua in Missouri. And then last, but certainly not least, I met Jonah in Colorado this past July at the Summer Heritage conference.

1 comment:

Mom24 said...

I understand exactly what you mean about making homemade bread. I love that feeling of accomplishment!