Friday, April 8, 2011


Soooo, today I learned how to make pancakes!!! Like whenever I tried to make them and I would try to flip them over, I would make a HUGE mess and it wouldn't EVER turn out right!!! Well like two weekends ago, we went to King's Restaurant, which is a family owned, chain restaurant in this area. My mom got some vanilla custard filled pancakes or something like that. Weeelll, the thought struck me for a NEW recipe for pancakes and I've been just DYING to make them!!!! Soooo, today, my mom taught me how to actually MAKE the pancake, and I made the filling to put between them, and IT WAS SO, SO, SO, SO GOOD!!! They were THE BEST pancakes I've EVER HAD!!!!!! So now that I've taunted you with telling you about how good they were, you're just chomping at the bit to know what the filling is that I made, right??? Weeellll, I don't have an exact recipe yet cuz I just threw it together, but all I used was cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla. I warmed the cream cheese up for like 15 seconds so it would be soft, just dumped in some sugar, and then poured some vanilla in. Then I mixed it all up with the mixer, and it was soooooo delicious!!! I spread it on top of the first pancake, and then put the second pancake on top of it. Then I spread some more of the cream cheese mix on top of the upper pancake, and poured syrup over it all. My mouth is watering AGAIN just thinking about it!!!! If anyone tries this out, PLEASE tell me how it was and how you liked it!!!! Thank you!!:D


Mary Frances said...

i TAGGED you Amber in a blog game!!! :)

Amber said...

Oh I saw that!! I started to do mine, but I gotta get on my mom's computer to finish it. Notice how my blog posts are all together and there are no spaces?? Well's messed up and won't let me put spaces!!!!! >:( I don't know what's wrong with it! But I'll have mine up tonight!:-D Thanks for tagging me!