My dear faithful blog readers,
PLEASE forgive me for my lack of posts lately, and for trying to make up for it with little surveys! I do apologize, but once again I'm posting a little "get-to-know-me" survey. Sorry!:D I'll try to get some different posts next week!:)
1. Tell us about your very favorite (yes we know that's redundant) Thanksgiving.
My favorite Thanksgiving would probably have to be last year's. We had quite a few friends over, but also had our family here. My aunt and uncle from Indiana stayed with us for a while.
2. What are you doing for Turkey Day this year?
The family is coming to our house again this year and we may have a few friends here, too.
3. If you were to go to somebody else’s house, what would be your favorite dish to bring?
I would definitely take apple pie!:D
4. Tell us about the funniest person that you'll be with this Thanksgiving.
Um...that's a hard one!! The men in my family are all hilarious! It's a toss-up between my dad, my uncle, and my grandpa.
5. What would surprise us to know about your Thanksgivings?
Umm....two years ago we finally ended the "tradition" of burning
bread sticks! The only reason that it ended is because my uncle got married to a woman from Kansas who is an AMAZING cook! We all pale in comparison to her, so we did our very best and paid close attention to the time the
bread sticks cooked;-) (We all just LOVE her! Tim couldn't have married a better, woman!)
6. Does your usual mix of guests result in drama, or is it a group you’re happy to see?
It's my
familia!! Of course I'm happy to see them! Thanksgiving is the only time we're all together!:) We all love each other, so we don't have petty, dramatic arguments:)
7. What did your family do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid? Do you still do it?
Well, considering that I'm still a kid, we still do it:D We always get together and eat a big dinner with the family, and sometimes a single mother from the
church, every year:)
8. We know you've been asked this probably 15 times this week. But share with us in 2010, what are you most thankful for?
I would have to say I'm most thankful for my trip to Colorado...if I were to pick one specific thing it would be the wonderful friendships that I have. I have
amazing friends that are always there for me:)
9. Okay, the big question: are you going to 'attend' any of the "Black Friday" sales? ...and if you are, are you hard core serious like the 5 am "be there" crowd? Well here's the mom doesn't like crowds. And since I don't have my license, I won't be shopping on Black Friday.